El próximo sábado 24 de agosto a las 14h. hora
local (21h. en España), la emisora norteamericana WGXC emitirá dentro
de su serie Sketpad Series, producida para el programa Transmission Arts
de Wavefarm, un monográfico sobre mi obra en el que
incluiran la mezcla que realicé para the Radius "Try to Learn Kobäian in 15 days" y una playlist realizada por mi para la ocasión.
Next saturday August 24th at 14h (New York's County hour), american radio station WGXC will issue a monograph about my work within its Sketpad Series, which will include the mix that I made for the Radius "Try to Learn Kobäian in 15 days" and a playlist made and mixed by me for the occasion.
Next saturday August 24th at 14h (New York's County hour), american radio station WGXC will issue a monograph about my work within its Sketpad Series, which will include the mix that I made for the Radius "Try to Learn Kobäian in 15 days" and a playlist made and mixed by me for the occasion.